The art of making the Totara, an ancient wind instrument, is back in vogue thanks to Mario Zuchegna, who recalls in his childhood memories when he didn't want to go with his grandfather and he told him "if you come with me today I'll make you the Totara".
The Totara is an archaic musical instrument, ancestor of the fife and bagpipe characteristic of the forestry-pastoral world.
This instrument is obtained from the fresh bark of the Corylus-Avellana (hazel) or Fraxinus-Ornus (manna ash), typical trees in Montenero Valcocchiara.
Thanks to a skilful and careful weaving work, the ancient instrument emerges in a single compressed reed piece closed at its end by a thorn from the Hawthorn plant. Very important in the construction of this instrument is the moment of creation of the mouth or mouth which, when rolled up, will take the shape of the Totara, with a double reed in the shape of a viper's head.
Thanks to the bark of typical plants and the air that passes through the membrane, a particular sound is emitted. The idea of Mario Zuchegna and local citizens is the rediscovery of this instrument (of Samnite origin) and its construction technique which has no equal.
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