Chestnut bark flute (Campania)

Donation dated 7/29/2012
Builder: Benito CIOPPA (painter) born on 30 June 1938 in Santo Stefano del Sole (AV) - Campania.
Area of ​​origin: Campania - Municipality of Santo Stefano del Sole AV) - Serinese-Solofrana mountain community between the Partenio mountains (Montevergine and Terminio).
The surrounding woods are made up of hazelnut and chestnut groves.
From the chestnut tree, in the spring period, it is possible to cut new growth branches, full of sap.
It is precisely the sap that allows (after appropriate cuts) to remove the pith from the plant and from the hollow tube thus obtained to create a sort of flute, a natural tube from which it is possible to obtain a few sounds, of an untempered scale, with a suggestive timbre.
Once made, the flute has a short life: after a few days the bark begins to dry, the walls lose elasticity and the instrument is no longer able to play.
The player performs simple melodies using the upper harmonics obtained by overinflation.
The bibliography tells us that the bark flute is also present in Tuscany (province of Lucca) and in Calabria (province of Cosenza and Catanzaro).
It must be assumed that, as long as carving skills were still alive, this type of flute could also be widespread in other chestnut cultivation areas.
Card compiled by Giuseppe Mauro
Ass. cult. "Ancia Libera"-Naples.


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